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UMPWR Psychology Study Programme Holds Scientific Writing Training

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UMPWR Psychology Study Programme Holds Scientific Writing Training


UMPWR Psychology Study Programme Holds Scientific Writing Training

  • Humas dan Protokoler UMPWR
  • 18 Februari 2025
  • Readed 195

Universitas Muhamamdiyah Purworejo (UMPWR) - Psychology Study Program, Faculty of Social Sciences held Scientific Writing Training for students on Monday, 17 February 2025. The participants of the activity which was held in the UMPWR East Campus Seminar Room were 95 UMPWR Psychology Study Program students in semesters 1 and 3. The speakers were Dr. Sapardiono, M.H (UMPWR Law Study Program Lecturer) and Prof. Dr. Siska Desy Fatmaryanti, M.S.I (UMPWR Physics Study Program Lecturer).

This Scientific Writing Training activity aims to improve students' ability to compile quality scientific papers and understand the academic publication process. In addition, this activity encourages a culture of research and writing among students as a provision for further study and academic career development. The activity, which was held in collaboration with the Psycholgy Student Association (HIMA), raised the theme ‘From Idea to Publication: Practical Steps for Writing Scientific Papers’. 

The event presented two competent speakers, Dr Sapardiyono, S.Hut., M.H. and Prof. Dr Siska Desi Fatmaryanti, M.Si., who shared their knowledge and experience in compiling quality scientific papers. As students and future professionals, the ability to write good scientific papers is very important in supporting further studies and career development in the academic world. For students, non-doctoral scientific papers are an invaluable first step to practice writing skills and build a strong foundation in the world of research.

One of the psychology student participants said ‘This training is very useful because it provides step-by-step guidance in writing quality scientific papers. I understand better how to organise ideas, design writing structures, and adjust them to the standards of scientific publications.’ (Akb/KP).


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