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UMPWR Releases 11 Students for International KKN- Internships to Malaysia

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UMPWR Releases 11 Students for International KKN- Internships to Malaysia


UMPWR Releases 11 Students for International KKN- Internships to Malaysia

  • Humas dan Protokoler UMPWR
  • 13 Februari 2025
  • Readed 408

Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo (UMPWR) - as many as 11 students will conduct Community Service (KKN) and Internships in Malaysia from 18 February 2025 to 14 March 2025. This KKN- Internships is one of the implementations of cooperation between UMPWR and UiTM Malaysia. The departure of the students on 18 February 2025 will be escorted directly by the Rector and the Head of the International Cooperation Section of UMPWR

The eleven students were officially released by the Rector of UMPWR Assoc. Prof. Dr. Teguh Wibowo, M.Pd. on Thursday, 13 February 2025. Also attending the release ceremony were Vice Rector I for Academic Affairs Dr. Dwi Irawati, M.Si., Vice Rector IV for Cooperation and AIK Assoc. Dr. Teguh Wibowo, M.Pd. Prof. Dr. Tusino, M.Pd.B.I., Head of KUI Dr. Jeki Mediantari Wahyu Wibawanti, M.Eng., M.Si., Head of International Cooperation Abdul Ngafif, M.Pd.B.I., as well as deans and heads of study programmes of each student.

The eleven students are Al Ghani Ra'uf (PBI), Arifah Hilmi Fidihani (Psychology), Diana Septi Enggar Fananti (PBI), Erni Nur Fitria (PGSD), Isti Dani Permatasari (Agribusiness), Nurwinda Setianingrum (PBI), Revo Bagus Ardana (Psychology), Riska Saskhia (Psychology), Sekar Kinasih (PBI), Setiyawati (PGSD), Jeremia Khoirunnisa (Psychology). Later, the eleven students will be spread to various schools and related agencies in Malaysia to conduct KKN - Internships International, including Al-Ulum Addiniah Religious High School, Dong, Raub, Al-Falah Batu Talam Religious High School, Raub, Al-Fateh Teras Islam Integration Low School (SRITI), Raub, and Jabatan Pertanian, Raub (KIV).

Rektor dan WR IV UMPWR memberikan pengarahan kepada 11 mahasiswa yang akan melakukan KKn - Magang Internasional 2025 ke Malaysia

Vice Rector IV for Cooperation and AIK Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tusino, M.Pd.B.I., in his speech advised the students to make the best use of the opportunities available not only in terms of academic but also non-academic. 

"Please study well including the non-academic side, for example about culture. Although we are allied, but there must be things that can be learnt to be transmitted to other students", he said.

WR IV also advised to always maintain the good name of the alma mater because during KKN- Internships in Malaysia, students not only carry the name of the campus but also the name of the State. 

UMPWR Rector Assoc. Prof. Dr. Teguh Wibowo, M.Pd., said that this year the number of students who did International KKN-MAGANG was quite a lot, reaching 11 students. Increased compared to last year to Thailand as many as 6 students. The Rector advised the students to explore their best potential while in Malaysia.  

In addition to being converted into courses, this International KKN- Internships can also be used for research and data collection. Everything is well documented, so that when you return to Indonesia it can become research data. If the students raise the title of the thesis on the comparison of Indonesia - Malaysia, of course it will be very good, "explained the Rector. (Akb/KP).


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