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Hizbul Wathan Qabilah Mangun Hadi Djaya UMPWR Holds Jaya Melati 1 Training

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Hizbul Wathan Qabilah Mangun Hadi Djaya UMPWR Holds Jaya Melati 1 Training


Hizbul Wathan Qabilah Mangun Hadi Djaya UMPWR Holds Jaya Melati 1 Training

  • Humas dan Protokoler UMPWR
  • 11 Februari 2025
  • Readed 324

Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo (UMPWR) - The scouting movement Hizbul Wathan (HW) Qabilah Mangun Hadi Djaya UMPWR held Jaya Melati 1 Training for five days on 9 to 13 February 2025. The Jaya Melati 1 training was held in a hybrid manner, namely online on 9 - 10 February 2025, and offline on 11 - 13 February 2025. 

The opening of Jaya Melati 1 Training by UMPWR Rector Assoc. Prof. Dr. Teguh Wibowo, M.Pd., was held offline at the Auditorium Kasman Singodimedjo UMPWR on 11 February 2025. The opening ceremony was attended by Kwarwil HW Central Java, Chairman of PDM Purworejo, Chairman of Majelis Dikdasmen and PNF PDM Purworejo, Kwarda HW Purworejo, Jaya Melati 1 Trainers, Qabilah Mangun Hadi Djaya UMPWR, UMPWR Caravan, and 88 Jaya Melati 1 participants.

The Chairperson of the Jaya Melati 1 Training Organising Committee, Mrs Nur Ngazizah, S.Si., M.Pd., said that this year the Jaya Melati 1 Training was attended by 88 participants consisting of PGSD students and general participants from both Kwarda HW Purworejo and outside Purworejo. Kwarda HW Purworejo such as SD Muhammadiyah Bayan, SD Muhammadiyah Kutoarjo, SD Muhammadiyah Purwodadi, SDKUB Purworejo, MI Muhammadiyah Krendetan, MI Muhammadiyah Purwodadi, SMP Muhammadiyah Butuh, SMP Muhammadiyah Purworejo, SMA Muhammadiyah Kutoarjo, and Qabilah Mangun Hadi Djaya UMPWR. As for general participants other than Purworejo HW Kwarda such as UMPurwokerto, UNIMUS, Brebes Kwarda, Kebumen Kwarda, Cirebon Kwarda, Purbalingga Kwarda, and Cilacap Kwarda.

Nur Ngazizah, S.Si., M.Pd said that the purpose of the Jaya Melati 1 Training was to revive the cadre at UMPWR, produce HW cadres who are able to become trainers, build akhlakul kharimah in the hope of producing an educated and useful young generation, and increase knowledge and insight, especially related to the techniques of participants to become HW trainers. Ibu Nur Ngazizah also hopes that the Jaya Melati 1 Training can increase brotherhood, ukhuwah and cooperation between participants.

The Chairman of Muhammadiyah Regional Leader of Purworejo Regency, Drs. Pudjiono advised that make sure all Jaya Melati 1 Training activities are followed without being left out so that the results are maximum. Drs. Pudjiono also invited the participants to follow this training happily, so that it would not be a burden, so that the results would be good.

UMPWR Rector Assoc. Prof. Dr. Teguh Wibowo, M.Pd in his speech advised that the implementation of HW must internalise Islamic values. The rector hopes that HW as a da'wah of Muhammadiyah. The da'wah referred to by the rector such as da'wah through exemplary, da'wah in social activities and actions, da'wah in the educational environment, da'wah through Islamic scouting activities, and da'wah in Islamic leadership and struggle. (akb / KP).


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