Univeritas Muhammadiyah Purworejo (UMPWR) - lecturer of Information Technology Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Dewi Chirzah, S.Kom., M.Cs., became a speaker in the Workshop on Introduction of Industry-Based Fiber Optic Network for Students of Computer and Network Engineering Department at Hardware Laboratory of SMK Batik Perbaik Purworejo. The participants of the activity which was held on Saturday, 8 February 2025 were students of class X TKJT (Computer Network and Telecommunication Engineering) of SMK Batik Perbaik Purworejo. Aside from Dewi Chirzah, S.Kom., M.Cs., Bagus Candra Kumara, S.Pd. (Squat Bravo Arnet Magelang - PT. Telkom Infrastruktur) was also a speaker in this workshop.
This workshop was organised to prepare students' activities in the industrial world. The existence of Workshop activities provides a very valuable experience for students in understanding fibre optic network technology directly from industry experts, thus adding insight and practical skills that are relevant to the world of work.
‘We really appreciate the collaboration with the instructors and hope that activities like this can continue to improve student competence in the field of telecommunications’, said Yati Dwi Puspita Ady (Head of SMK Batik Perbaik Purworejo).
Mokhammad Miftakhurrahman (Head of Computer and Network Engineering Expertise Programme) said that this workshop was a collaboration with UMPWR. Apart from being an implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum regarding the guest teacher programme, the workshop will add to students' experience.
"With this guest teacher, it can change the learning atmosphere, from usually with the same teacher in class. With a change of atmosphere, who teaches differently, the delivery is also different, maybe students can understand and accept more," he said.
"The theme of fibre optic was chosen, because the current industry from information and other networks all go to fibre optic. Hopefully, the children will be more enthusiastic in the future. By sharing experiences from the experts, it turns out that fibre optic has many functions and wider job opportunities," he added.
The workshop activities began and ended with a quiz to measure students' abilities before and after the workshop. The workshop material includes material exposure about Optical Fibre Networks and their opportunities. Then proceed with practice starting from the introduction of tools and their functions, followed by connecting cables, measuring cable length, to measuring attenuation to determine the quality of cable connections.
Dewi Chirzah, S.Kom., M.Cs., explained that Optical Fibre is a technology that is currently still the fastest media in the world of telecommunications. With the transfer process using the speed of light, this technology is increasingly developing and almost reaches all lines of the network to replace wireless media, so it is necessary to update its knowledge and development.
‘This workshop on the introduction of fibre optics hopes that when students already understand and know the provisions to enter the industrial world, or knowledge about fibre optics in depth, they can adjust and be accepted in a wider job field,’ explained Dewi CHirzah. (akb/KP).