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UMPWR Collaborates with CNSC Philippines

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UMPWR Collaborates with CNSC Philippines


UMPWR Collaborates with CNSC Philippines

  • Humas dan Protokoler UMPWR
  • 04 Februari 2025
  • Readed 150

Monday, February 3, 2025 Muhammadiyah Purworejo University (UMPWR) signed an MoU with Camarines Norte State College (CNSC) Philippines. The signing activity was carried out online through a zoom meeting which was attended by the Rector Assoc. Prof. Dr. Teguh Wibowo, M.Pd; WR I Dr. Dwi Irawati, S.E., M.Si., CRMP; WR IV Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tusino, M.Pd.B.I. Dean of Faculty of Economics, Dr. Intan Puspitasari, Head of KUI Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jeki Wibawanti, Head of Foreign Cooperation Abdul Ngafif, M.Pd, Head of Domestic Cooperation, Galih Bagas Soesilo, LL.M.

While from the CNSC was attended by Mr. DR. Marlo m. De la cruz (The president of CNSC), Dr. Maria cristina, Ph.D. (The vice president for Administration and Finance), DR. DOLORES, EdD (Vice President for Academic Affairs) DR. Rosalie A. Almadrones, Ph.D. (Vice President for Research and Extension), Crisanto s. Ramirez, MBA (CNSC Head, Alumni Affairs Office).

The signing of the MoU was done directly by both parties, namely UMPWR Rector Assoc. Prof. Dr. Teguh Wibowo, M.Pd and Mr. DR. Marlo m. De la cruz (The president of CNSC).

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Teguh Wibowo, M.Pd said that UMPWR started the year by expanding international networks, one of which was through cooperation and collaboration with CNSC Philippines.

“Hopefully in the future many programs can be implemented such as research collaboration, international mobility, international service and also summer camps”, he said.

Mr. DR. Marlo m. Dr. De la cruz also added that the cooperation between CNSC and UMPWR is expected to not only be limited to the signing of the MoU, but also followed up with the signing of the MoA.  

“Hopefully the cooperation and collaboration between the two institutions at the scope of faculties, study programs, and students can be useful and improve the quality of education,” he said.

The event then continued with a discussion related to the cooperation program that will be implemented and the introduction of the two institutions.


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