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KKN Awu-Awu Ngombol Village Conducts MSME Product Profile Counseling

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KKN Awu-Awu Ngombol Village Conducts MSME Product Profile Counseling


KKN Awu-Awu Ngombol Village Conducts MSME Product Profile Counseling

  • Humas dan Protokoler UMPWR
  • 31 Januari 2025
  • Readed 149

Awu-awu Village, Ngombol Subdistrict, Purworejo Regency, January 28, 2025, A total of approximately 25 members of the SINAR PUTRI Farmer Women's Group (KWT) in Awu-Awu Village in counseling and making video profiles of MSMEs in the Farmer Women's Group (KWT) held by KKN PN 19 Students of Muhammadiyah Purworejo University This activity took place at the production house, namely at Mrs. Febry Setyawati's house which aims to help the group have a clear identity, direction, and strategy in running its production.

The event started at 13.00 WIB until 16.30 WIB. It began with the counseling of MSME profile ideas, which emphasized the importance of creativity and innovation in making products that have become the hallmark of Awu-awu village. KKN PN 19 students provide step-by-step guidance in making MSME product profile videos. Members of the SINAR PUTRI Women Farmers Group (KWT), which consists of mothers, are also given the opportunity to make product descriptions for MSME product profile videos in the form of products: guava dodol, candied guava and grubi with the assistance of KKN PN 19 students in describing them.

The beginning of KWT Sinar Putri from 2023, has been established for about 3 years, the reason for the members of the KWT Sinar Putri group to make Crystal guava dodol and candied Crystal guava products is because Crystal guava fruit is very abundant in Ngombol Village, for this reason the product is made so that it can be utilized and can increase the interest of the customer's purchasing power. Members of KWT Sinar Putri market their products still traditionally, namely by leaving their products to surrounding stalls, they also do not know or still lack knowledge about the right packaging for their products.

The women of the Sinar Putri Women Farmers Group also practiced how to make their respective products with high enthusiasm, which has been divided into three groups, namely the groups making guava dodol, candied guava and grubi. Each group runs well according to their respective passions, KKN PN 19 students also stepped in to help in the process of making guava dodol, candied guava, and grubi products. From the preparation of tools and materials, to packaging. For the packaging itself of each product is still simple using the power of human resources alone, but in the packaging of candied guava already using a press because the packaging uses a cup.

The activity ended with a photo with the KWT Sinar Putri women as a memento after completing the making of the product as well as making a video profile of the product by KKN PN 19 students. This profile video counseling and profile video making is expected to be the first step for the Ngombol Village community to innovate even more in the future, adding customers to cover a wider range, utilizing local potential optimally and more up to date.


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