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PG.02 Tunggulrejo KKN Students Hold SIPUDES Leadership Socialisation

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PG.02 Tunggulrejo KKN Students Hold SIPUDES Leadership Socialisation


PG.02 Tunggulrejo KKN Students Hold SIPUDES Leadership Socialisation

  • Humas dan Protokoler UMPWR
  • 28 Januari 2025
  • Readed 238

Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo (UMPWR) - PG.02 Community Service Program (KKN) students held a leadership socialisation with the theme SIPUDES (Youth Synergy for the Village) with the Tunggul Muda youth group of Tunggulrejo village. This activity was held on Tuesday, 28 January 2025 at the Tunggulrejo Village Hall, Grabag, Purworejo district. Leadership socialisation is an activity carried out by KKN PG.02 students in Tunggulrejo village as a form of concern and also cooperation with local youth. 

This activity was the first time the socialisation was held. Ahmad Solehudin as the head of KKN PG.02 gave a speech, this activity is very important in building awareness of the importance of good leadership, especially among the younger generation.

The speeches were continued by the Head of Youth Organisation and the Head of Tunggulrejo Village. ‘Youth is the most important asset of the village, every one of you is a leader.’ said Budi Sulaeman, Chairman of Karang Taruna. He also said that the sustainability of the youth organisation is important for the sustainability of a village. Furthermore, remarks were delivered by the head of Tunggulrejo village Dwi Hartono, ‘Give me 10 youths and I will shake the world.’ He also appealed to the participants to be able to participate in the programme. He also appealed to the participants to be able to follow the material session well and orderly because the material that will be delivered is expected to be a good provision for the sustainability of the youth organisation. 

The special guest speaker at this event was Parwitasari. She delivered material on the topic of leadership. In the material also explained how leadership has an important role in Karangtaruna. ‘Leadership does not only belong to those who have positions, but leadership is the responsibility of every soul in it,’ said Parwitasari in her presentation. The material sessions were delivered in a fun and communicative manner. There were discussion sessions and question and answer sessions. The discussion session was guided by the speaker, where the speaker gave two topics to be discussed by Karangtaruna, then the participants were asked to write on the paper that had been prepared. After that the participants presented the results of their writing. This discussion was divided into small groups.

The presentation of the material was well received by the Karangtaruna, this became an open discussion space for them to exchange ideas and opinions. This also has a positive impact on the regeneration of the next Karangtaruna leadership. The execution of ideas and ideas is a mature provision in the delivery of material in this discussion session. 

Thank you to KKN PG.02 friends, thank you to the village officials who have allowed this event to take place, thank you to the speakers who have provided this very useful material, and also thank you to Karang Taruna Tunggul Muda for cooperating and collaborating in this SIPUDES event. 


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