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Training of Trainers for Soft Skill Facilitators 2025: Increasing the Capacity of Lecturer Facilitators at Muhammadiyah Purwo

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Training of Trainers for Soft Skill Facilitators 2025: Increasing the Capacity of Lecturer Facilitators at Muhammadiyah Purwo


Training of Trainers for Soft Skill Facilitators 2025: Increasing the Capacity of Lecturer Facilitators at Muhammadiyah Purwo

  • Humas dan Protokoler UMPWR
  • 22 Januari 2025
  • Readed 164

Purworejo, 22 January 2025 - Muhammadiyah Purworejo University successfully held a Soft Skill 2025 Facilitator Training of Trainer (ToT) activity which took place in Lecture Room B. The activity which took place at 09.00 to 11.30 WIB was organised by the Soft Skill Organising Committee and attended by 18 facilitators who were lecturers at Muhammadiyah Purworejo University.

This event aims to increase the capacity of participants as soft skill facilitators, equip them with communication, leadership, and facilitation skills, and create competent and professional facilitators. In his remarks, Dr Eko Harianto, M.S.I. as the Chairman of the Committee conveyed the importance of the role of facilitators in supporting the development of student soft skills.

The Rector of Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo, Dr Teguh Wibowo, M.Pd., also attended and gave a speech. He emphasised the importance of soft skills in improving the ability of facilitators, and encouraged lecturers to become more effective mentors in the classroom. ‘Common perception among facilitators is very important so that the learning process can run in harmony and provide optimal positive impact,’ said Dr Teguh Wibowo.

The training session began with the presentation of level 2 soft skills material by Mrs Itsna Iftayani, M.A., At Level 2 (semester 3), students are encouraged to be ready to compete by preparing research, service or entrepreneurship proposals by strengthening their ability to see facts in society while still reviewing scientific literature so that they can integrate them. At this level students are also trained to be confident in public speaking, presenting the work made. Followed by the delivery of level 3 material by Mr Dr Eko Harianto, M.S.I., which discusses students to get involved in communities that can help improve their goal setting, learn to build networks and have good communication ethics.

This activity is expected to prepare facilitators thoroughly before filling sessions in the classroom, so as to provide an interactive and meaningful learning experience for students.

With the end of this activity, Muhammadiyah Purworejo University continues to be committed to improving the quality of education through lecturer capacity building and strengthening soft skills.



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