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Commemorating National Village Day, KKN UMPWR 2025 Conducts Simultaneous Tree Planting

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Commemorating National Village Day, KKN UMPWR 2025 Conducts Simultaneous Tree Planting


Commemorating National Village Day, KKN UMPWR 2025 Conducts Simultaneous Tree Planting

  • Humas dan Protokoler UMPWR
  • 21 Januari 2025
  • Readed 131

Universitias Muhammadiyah Purworejo (UMPWR) - The 2025 KKN group carried out simultaneous tree planting in the Ngombol and Grabag sub-districts of Purworejo Regency on Tuesday, 21 January 2025. The tree planting was also to commemorate National Village Day 2025. The ceremonial tree planting was held at Tunjungan village hall, Ngombol sub-district, Purworejo regency.

The simultaneous tree planting in Ngombol sub-district was initiated and attended by UMPWR KKN groups including from Tunjungan village, Wasiat village, and Pejagran village.  Also attending the event were the Head of the Purworejo Regency Environment and Fisheries Office, the Rector of UMPWR, the Head of Ngombol Sub-District, the Head of Ngombol Police, Danramil Ngombol, the Head of the Poloroso Association, the Heads of Villages in Susuk Sub-District, the Heads of Wasiat and Pejagran Villages, as well as from village institutions in Tunjungan Village. 

Head of UMPWR's Research and Community Service Institute (LPPM) Dr Heru Kurniawan, M.Pd. said that tree planting is a routine activity carried out by LPPM and UMPWR KKN students every year. Dr Heru targets to plant 2000 trees next year with a target of reaching 5000 trees. Dr Heru explained that tree planting was chosen to protect and preserve the environment. Dr Heru thanked the audience, KKN students, and the head of Tunjungan village for providing a place for the simultaneous tree planting event in Ngombol sub-district.

UMPWR Rector Assoc. Prof. Dr. Teguh Wibowo, M.Pd., in his speech said that the strategic target chosen for the simultaneous tree planting was due to the development of global warming such as the greenhouse effect which is increasingly worrying. 

‘The greenhouse effect is causing the earth's temperature to be very hot. So one way is that trees in Indonesia should not be cut down. This tree planting is an effort to make the earth green again,’ he explained.

Rektor UMPWR, Camat Ngombol, Kepala Dinas Lingkungan Hidup dan Perikanan Kabupaten Purworejo, dan undangan lainnya melaksanakan seremonial penanaman pohon di depan Balai Desa Tunjungan pada Selasa, 21 Januari 2025

Ngombol Sub-District Head Adi Pawoko, S.STP, M.Si., said that the tree planting was a concern from the UMPWR Rector for environmental sustainability, especially in Ngombol sub-district. Adi Pawoko hopes that tree planting can become a routine activity so that it can educate the Ngombol community about the importance of ecosystem defence. In addition to tree planting, the Ngombol sub-district head also hopes that there will be other innovations from the UMPWR KKN group students in solving various problems in the community.

Head of the Purworejo Regency Environment and Fisheries Office, Wiyoto Harjono, S.T., said that tree planting is a very noble and useful activity. ‘We will be able to enjoy the benefits of this tree planting in the next 5 - 10 years,’ he said. Wiyoto Harjono hoped that this tree planting would not stop at ceremonial activities only.

‘Tree planting should not only focus on planting, but it must also be maintained so that the plants remain alive,’ he said.

The Purworejo District Environmental and Fisheries Office is also currently initiating the creation of a botanical garden in the Heroes Park complex, Kedungsari, Purworejo.

Furthermore, the Rector of UMPWR, the Head of Ngombol Sub-District, the Head of the Purworejo Regency Environment and Fisheries Office, and other invitees carried out a tree planting ceremony in front of Tunjungan Village Hall. Later, 200 tabebuya trees, 300 red shoots, 150 mundung trees, and 5 Javanese tamarind trees will be planted by KKN students in Ngombol and Grabag sub-districts of Purworejo Regency. (akb/KP).


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