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Collaborating with PMI Kebumen, KKN Dukuhrejosari Holds PHBS and Anti-bullying Education at SDN Rejosari

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Collaborating with PMI Kebumen, KKN Dukuhrejosari Holds PHBS and Anti-bullying Education at SDN Rejosari


Collaborating with PMI Kebumen, KKN Dukuhrejosari Holds PHBS and Anti-bullying Education at SDN Rejosari

  • Humas dan Protokoler UMPWR
  • 17 Januari 2025
  • Readed 201

Kebumen - The KKN 1 Dukuhrejosari group successfully held PHBS or Clean and Healthy Living Behavior and Anti-bullying Education activities on Wednesday (15/01/2025). This activity was held at Rejosari State Elementary School, Ambal District, Kebumen Regency. The activity started at 08.00 WIB and ended at 09.00 WIB. In this activity, the KKN team successfully collaborated with PMI Kebumen Regency as a facilitator of PHBS education, namely hand washing and toothbrushing. While anti-bullying education is filled directly from the KKN 1 Dukuhrejosari team.

PHBS participants were students in grades I and IV while anti-bullying education participants were students in grades V and VI, totaling approximately 80 participants. The activities took place in two places, namely the yard of SD N Rejosari and the classroom. In PHBS, the facilitator team from PMI Kebumen Regency not only explained the material but accompanied the education participants to directly practice the knowledge that had been obtained where previously the participants had brought their respective toothbrushes.

“I think this activity is very fun for children. This is because they can play but also learn so that they understand how to brush their teeth and wash their hands properly. This activity is very good,” said Dela, one of the facilitator team from PMI Kebumen Regency.

In anti-bullying education, the KKN 1 Dukuhrejosari team started the activity by asking students to write things they liked and disliked. Not only that, the KKN 1 team also filled in ice breaking so that the activity felt more fun. The material presented is related to the definition of bullying, forms of bullying and the impact it will have.

“The program held at SD N Rejosari is very good. It is very appropriate that the KKN team took a resource person from PMI Kebumen so that children can apply toothbrushing and hand washing techniques correctly,” said Sri Dzati as the head of SD N Rejosari.

Not only that, she also hopes that the KKN 1 Dukuhrejosari team will always be given health, smoothness and success while carrying out each work program.


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