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Increase Implementation of Smart City and Smart Village Global, PSTI UMPWR Explores Collaboration with PLAN Malaysia

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Increase Implementation of Smart City and Smart Village Global, PSTI UMPWR Explores Collaboration with PLAN Malaysia


Increase Implementation of Smart City and Smart Village Global, PSTI UMPWR Explores Collaboration with PLAN Malaysia

  • KUI, Humas dan Protokoler UMPWR
  • 15 Januari 2025
  • Readed 140

Jabatan Perancangan Bandar dan Desa (PLAN Malaysia) is the lead agency for urban and rural planning in Malaysia to improve the level of community welfare and national prosperity in Malaysia. PLAN Malaysia was the location of a visit and exploration of cooperation by the Information Technology Study Programme (PSTI) of Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo (UMPWR). 

PLAN Malaysia, located in Putrajaya, was chosen as a cooperation partner because it has activities and fields of study that support the Vision and Mission of PSTI UMPWR. In order to realise the vision and mission, it is necessary to have many stakeholders who can be used as a place of activity, a source of learning and a source of information. PLAN Malaysia as a global partner fulfils these criteria.

The visit was welcomed by the ranks of PLAN Malaysia led by Puan Syarifah Nuraida Tengku Mohd Apandi and from PSTI UMPWR represented by the Head of PSTI Study Programme Murhadi S.Pd.T., M.Eng. In this activity, PLAN Malaysia explained the Smart City Framework in Malaysia and the Smart City implementation plan until 2040. 

This activity is also part of the joint research data collection carried out with UiTM Cawangan Perak Malaysia with the theme Smart City Initiatives: A Comparative Study Of Indonesian And Malaysian Cities. This research is an implementation of the MoU that has been carried out jointly between UMPWR and UiTM Cawangan Perak Malaysia.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tusino, M.Pd.B.I. as Vice Rector IV for Cooperation and AIK said that the continuation of the visit to PLAN Malaysia is expected to have an MoU between UMPWR, especially PSTI and PLAN Malaysia, so that the hope of PSTI becoming an International Standard Study Program can be realized soon.

Meanwhile, Dr Jeki Wibawanti as the Head of KUI added this agenda as a form of expanding cooperation with foreign partners where cooperation is not only with universities, but also with government agencies to support the achievement of the vision and mission of the UMPWR campus.


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