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KKN Kesidan Village Determined to Make People Technology Literate

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KKN Kesidan Village Determined to Make People Technology Literate


KKN Kesidan Village Determined to Make People Technology Literate

  • Humas dan Protokoler UMPWR
  • 02 Januari 2025
  • Readed 435

Kesidan, Thursday, January 02, 2025, Muhammadiyah Purworejo University carried out the Deployment of KKN (Real Work Lecture) students in Kesidan Village, Ngombol District, Purworejo Regency, Central Java. The deployment of KKN (Real Work Lecture) students is a total of 2 groups with the number of each group is 10 students with various faculties and study programs. The details of the students who were deployed to Kesidan Village were Group PN.16, numbering 5 female students and 5 male students chaired by Eki Fajar Susetyo, and Group PN.17, numbering 6 female students and 4 male students chaired by Fajar Januar Dwiga, each village where KKN students are accompanied by Field Assistance Lecturers. Kesidan Village KKN Field Assistance Lecturer is Mrs. Dr. Titi Rokhayati, M.Pd Lecturer in English Education at Muhammadiyah Purworejo University.

KKN activities are student service activities with the community environment, the essence of the value of KKN activities so that students can integrate a variety of knowledge that has been obtained at the University in order to benefit the community.

“Students sometimes only get knowledge on campus, and KKN activities are expected that students can gain knowledge and transmit knowledge to the community” said Dr. Titi Rokhayati, M.Pd.

The deployment of KKN students received a warm and enthusiastic welcome by the Kesidan Village Community and Village Officials. Based on the Dialogue that has been carried out by each group with the Head of Kesidan Village, information is obtained about the background and problems that exist in Kesidan Village, according to the Head of Kesidan Village, the community here is still minimal in the use of Information Technology so that it requires good media management.

The Head of Kesidan Village, Mr. Slamet Waluyo, in his speech said that the majority of the people in Kesidan Village are farmers, so sometimes they don't have time to learn about technology.

“Of course this is our work together to form a society that is able to think modernly, because the era of globalization has been able to expand communication and markets” he said.

The deployment of students was also accompanied by the delivery of work programs from each group that will be implemented in the implementation of KKN. The activity ended with a symbolic tree planting by the Field Assistance Lecturer and the Head of Kesidan Village as a joint effort for environmental greening.


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