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UMPWR Deploys 127 KKN Students in Kebumen Regency

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UMPWR Deploys 127 KKN Students in Kebumen Regency


UMPWR Deploys 127 KKN Students in Kebumen Regency

  • Humas dan Protokoler UMPWR
  • 02 Januari 2025
  • Readed 337

Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo (UMPWR) - through the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) - dispatched 127 students who will conduct Community Service Programmes (KKN) in 2 sub-districts in Kebumen Regency. The deployment was held simultaneously at the Kebumen Regency Regional Secretariat Meeting Building on Thursday, 2 January 2025 morning. In addition to UMPWR, this deployment also coincided with UPN Veteran Yogyakarta. The deployment was attended by the Rector of UMPWR, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Teguh Wibowo, M.Pd., Head of LPPM UMPWR Dr. Heru Kurniawan, M.Pd., KKN Field Assistance Lecturers (DPL), Assistant Government and People's Welfare of Kebumen Regency, Kebumen Regency Secretary Officials, Representatives of Village Devices where KKN, and students.

UMPWR Rector, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Teguh Wibowo, M.Pd., in his speech said that there are 127 UMPWR students who will carry out KKN in Kebumen Regency, namely 85 students in Ambal District which is divided into 9 villages, and 42 students in Buluspesantren District which is divided into 4 villages. Each village consists of 9-10 students. The Rector also thanked the Kebumen Regency government for providing snack assistance for activities held by students during KKN. The Rector explained that KKN is an opportunity for students to apply their knowledge gained in college to the community, and also to build cooperation / collaboration / communication with the community. 

‘Currently, Gen Z rarely socialises with the community, therefore with KKN we hope that students who are mostly Gen Z can collaborate, communicate, and interact with the community’, he said.

The Rector of UMPWR advised the students to stay overnight during KKN, and not allowed to return home. The Rector also hopes that the output of KKN activities can produce products that can be registered for IPR so that they can support campus accreditation. 

‘Students should collaborate with the community to produce products that can later be registered for copyright (HaKI),’ said the rector. 

The Assistant for Government and People's Welfare of Kebumen Regency, R Agung Pambudi, expressed his gratitude for the trust of both UMPWR and UPN Veteran Yogyakarta for choosing Kebumen to be one of the KKN places for their students. Agung hopes that the KKN activities can run smoothly and achieve the targets set by the universities. He advised that the collaboration between the Kebumen Regency Government and universities must continue to be improved. 

‘Collaboration between the local government and universities must be improved because universities are places of knowledge, so the local government must upgrade the knowledge from universities,’ he explained.

Furthermore, Agung also explained the problems that exist in Kebumen Regency with the hope that they can be resolved together between students and the community. Agung advised the students to reduce playing gadgets during KKN activities, and to increase socialising with the community.

Later the UMPWR students will carry out KKN for one full month until 3 February 2025. The details of the distribution are as follows:

A. Kec. Ambal = 85 students

DUKUHREJOSARI 1 = 10 students

DUKUHREJOSARI 2 = 9 students

KRADENAN = 10 students

PENEKET 1 = 9 students

PENEKET 2 = 9 students



PUCANGAN 1 = 10 students

PUCANGAN 2 = 8 students

B. Buluspsantren sub-district = 42 students

AMPIH = 10 students

BANJURMUKADAN = 10 students

TAMBAKREJO = 10 students

TANJUNGSARI = 12 students



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