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PPG Teacher Candidates UMPWR Holds Learning Technology Expo

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PPG Teacher Candidates UMPWR Holds Learning Technology Expo


PPG Teacher Candidates UMPWR Holds Learning Technology Expo

  • Humas dan Protokoler UMPWR
  • 30 Desember 2024
  • Readed 285

Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo (UMPWR) - Teacher Professional Education (PPG) Teacher Candidates Wave 2 in 2024 held a Learning Technology Expo on Monday, 30 December 2024 at the Kasman Singodimejo Auditorium. This expo carries the theme ‘New Technology for Fun Learning’.

There were 18 groups of PPG Teacher Candidate students from 4 Study Programmes (English Education, Automotive Engineering Education, Mathematics Education, and Indonesian Language & Literature Education) showing off their creativity and skills in this expo. Faris, one of the PPG students who is the Chairperson of the expo committee, expressed his gratitude to UMPWR for facilitating and providing opportunities for PPG Prospective Teacher students to hold this expo, as well as to his fellow committee members who have worked hard for the success of the expo.

Abdul Ngafif, M.Pd.B.I., as a representative of the lecturer in charge of the course congratulated the PPG Prospective Teacher students who successfully held a learning technology expo. ‘We are very proud that the students managed to prepare and organise this expo in a very short time and tempo in the midst of their busy schedule,’ said Abdul Afif. This expo, said Abdul Ngafif, proves that UMPWR Teacher Candidate PPG students are very creative so that later they will become professional teachers. 

The Learning Technology Expo was officially opened by UMPWR Vice Rector I, Dr Dwi Irawati, S.E., M.Si. In this expo the students displayed application-based learning media to learning game applications. The expo also featured entertainment and presentations of innovative work from each PPG Teacher Candidate student from each Study Programme. (akbar/KP).


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