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UMPWR Prepares Strategies to Pass National Student Competition Funding through Research Insight Workshop

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UMPWR Prepares Strategies to Pass National Student Competition Funding through Research Insight Workshop


UMPWR Prepares Strategies to Pass National Student Competition Funding through Research Insight Workshop

  • Humas dan Protokoler UMPWR
  • 26 Desember 2024
  • Readed 230

The Science and Technology Student Activity Unit (UKM Saintek) held a Writing Class 2024 Insight Research Workshop with the theme “Knitting Innovative Ideas Through Funding Support to Form Writing that Inspires the Country” which was held in the East Campus Seminar Room, University of Muhammadiyah Purworejo (UMPWR).

This activity was attended by nearly 100 participants consisting of new members, staff, administrators, BPH UKM Saintek, representatives of UKM / Hima UMPWR, and general participants. The purpose of this activity is to equip students to improve their abilities and set strategies in preparation for writing scientific papers for various competitions, in order to prepare to participate in the Student Creativity Program (PKM), Student Organization Capacity Strengthening Program (PPK Ormawa), Student Entrepreneurship Development Program (P2MW), and other national competition programs.

“This activity is expected to be a forum for inspiration, motivation for students to contribute in producing scientific work that passes funding and later can benefit the wider community,” said Muhamat Rifai as chairman of UKM Saintek. The next activity is the presentation of material guided by the moderator, Safira Rahmalia.

Dr. Jeki Wibawanti, M.Eng., M.Si as a speaker provides motivation to become active, creative and able to provide benefits through passing national funding. “Writing scientific papers to participate in competitions is one way to increase value as a student. Writing proposals must be wholeheartedly and seriously, not just to fulfill obligations in fulfilling lecturer assignments. In order to pass, there needs to be a strategy in writing proposals through current innovations and compiling carefully according to the guidelines,” he explained.

After the presentation of the material, a discussion session was held with the participants. The participants were enthusiastic and active in the discussion. The next activity was the submission of certificates by the chairman of the committee to the speaker and continued with a photo session with the participants.


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