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FUTSAL RECTOR CUP 2024: SMK N 1 GOMBONG (male) and SMA N 2 KEBUMEN (female) are the champions

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FUTSAL RECTOR CUP 2024: SMK N 1 GOMBONG (male) and SMA N 2 KEBUMEN (female) are the champions


FUTSAL RECTOR CUP 2024: SMK N 1 GOMBONG (male) and SMA N 2 KEBUMEN (female) are the champions

  • Humas dan Protokoler UMPWR
  • 24 Desember 2024
  • Readed 169

Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo (UMPWR) - The 2024 Rector's Cup Futsal Tournament organised by UKM Sports on 17 - 21 December 2024 at GOR Sarwo Edie Wibowo has produced its champions, both futsal between Study Programs at UMPWR Male / Female and between SMA / SMK / MA Equivalent throughout Central Java. SMK Negeri 1 Gombong is the 1st Male Futsal Champion and SMA Negeri 2 Kebumen is the Female Futsal Champion. As for the inter-study programme at UMPWR, Civil Engineering team A Male and Psychology Female won the championship.

In the Final, SMK Negeri 1 Gombong Men's Futsal defeated SMK Negeri 2 Kebumen with a thin score of 1-0, and SMA Negeri 2 Kebumen Women's Futsal defeated SMK Batik Perbaik Purworejo with a convincing score of 8-1. While between Prodi, in the top party, the Men's Futsal of Civil Engineering Prodi A defeated Information Technology Prodi A with a thin score of 1-0, and the Women's Futsal of Psychology Prodi beat Management Prodi with a score of 1-0. 

The complete list of winners of the 2024 Rector Cup Futsal is as follows:

A. Men's Futsal SMA/SMK/MA Equivalent throughout Java

1st place: SMK N 1 GOMBONG

2nd place: SMK N 2 KEBUMEN

3rd place: SMK N 2 PURWOREJO

3rd place: SMK N 1 PURWOREJO

B. Women's Futsal for SMA/SMK/MA Equivalent in Central Java

1st place: SMA N 2 KEBUMEN



3rd place: SMA N 1 PURWOREJO

C. Inter-study Men's Futsal at UMPWR


2nd place: PSTI A

3rd place: MANAGEMENT A

3rd place: MANAGEMENT C

D. Inter-Program Female Futsal at UMPWR

1st place: PSYCHOLOGY

2nd place: MANAGEMENT

3rd place: PGSD

3rd place: PBI

In addition to these winners, awards were also given to the top score and best player in each category, as well as the best supporter. (akbar/KP)


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