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Beware of the Dangers of Online Gambling, UMPWR Strictly Invites the Academic Community to Fight Judol

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Beware of the Dangers of Online Gambling, UMPWR Strictly Invites the Academic Community to Fight Judol


Beware of the Dangers of Online Gambling, UMPWR Strictly Invites the Academic Community to Fight Judol

  • Humas dan Protokoler UMPWR
  • 23 Desember 2024
  • Readed 189

Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo (UMPWR) - firmly invites all academicians and the wider community to fight Online Gambling (JUDOL) which is increasingly widespread and troubling among students and the general public. The increase in the number of cases of students involved in online gambling is getting higher, based on data received by Kemdiktisaintek that as many as 960,000 people among students and students are involved in online gambling. In the first quarter of 2024, the value of online gambling money circulation was fantastic, reaching 600 trillion rupiah, almost 2x greater than 2023 which was 327 trillion rupiah (source PPATK / Kemenko / Polhukam / Research and Development Media Indonesia). The data shows a significant increase in people trapped in online gambling.

UMPWR invites all young people, especially the UMPWR academic community, to reject online gambling. The Smart Generation is an anti-Judol generation. Online gambling is fraud in the form of applications that have been arranged by developers. Some of the impacts of Judol for students and society are as follows:

1. Academic decline;

2. Decrease in achievement;

3. Psychological disorders;

4. Financial distress;

5. Disruption of community social life; and

6. Threat to future career preparation.

There have been many cases of the impact of online gambling, ranging from online loan debt to criminal cases and suicide. Judol can cause addiction, debt, and loss. The risk of Judol is very high, and the loss is certain. UMPWR invites all academicians to be aware of the dangers of JUDOL, let's protect ourselves and our families. Therefore, to fight online gambling, it is important to improve digital and financial literacy. Do not be easily tempted by adverts and always be aware that Judol is a FRAUD in the form of an application that has been arranged by the developer. True victory is not from gambling, but from a wise life.


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