University of Muhammadiyah Purworejo (UMPWR) - National Table Tennis Tournament for SMA / SMK / MA Equivalent in the framework of the 60th Anniversary held on Saturday, 21 December 2024 at the Auditorium Kasman Singodimejo has produced the winners. Holi Afrodeta Yasid (Men's Singles) from SMA Muhammadiyah 7 Yogyakarta and Winna Gita Rahayu (Women's Singles) from SKB 06 Jakarta were the first winners.
In the peak party, in the men's singles Holi Afrodeta Yasid managed to defeat Muhammad Panji Kusuma Aji from SMA Negeri 7 Purworejo with 5 very interesting sets. While the women's singles Winna Gita Rahayu defeated Nazla Arini Khairunnisa from SMA Negeri 4 Bandung also with 5 very interesting sets and reciprocated.
With these results, the Champions of the National Table Tennis Tournament at the SMA / SMK / MA Equivalent level in the framework of the 60th Anniversary of UMPWR are as follows:
A. Men's Singles
1st place: Holi Afrodeta Yasid (SMA Muhammadiyah 7 Yogyakarta)
2nd place: Muhammad Panji Kusuma Aji (SMA Negeri 7 Purworejo)
3rd Joint Champion : Ravael Enggan Al Haq (MAN 2 Wonosobo) and Muhammad Nur Fauzi (SMA Negeri 4 Surakarta).
B. Women's Singles
1st place: Winna Gita Rahayu (SKB 06 Jakarta)
2nd place: Nazla Arini Khairunnisa (SMA Negeri 4 Bandung)
3rd Joint Champion : Anindira Thalita Attaya Ramadhiani (SMAN 1 Sayegan Sleman) and Aurelia Lalita Dhani (MAN 1 Bantul).
The first place winner received a cash prize of IDR 2,500,000; the second place winner received IDR 2,000,000; and the third place winner received IDR 1,500,000 each. The winners are also entitled to a full scholarship to study at UMPWR. congratulations (akbar/KP).