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Sharing and Caring HIV/AIDS by HIMAPSI UMPWR

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Sharing and Caring HIV/AIDS by HIMAPSI UMPWR


Sharing and Caring HIV/AIDS by HIMAPSI UMPWR

  • Humas dan Protokoler UMPWR
  • 22 Desember 2024
  • Readed 160

University of Muhammadiyah Purworejo (UMPWR) - Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo (UMPWR) - Student Association of  Psychology (HIMAPSI) held Sharing and Caring HIV/AIDS on Thursday, 19 December 2024 in the Seminar Room of Campus III Sucen. This activity was attended by UMPWR students with a total of 80 participants. This Sharing and Caring activity presented speaker Widiastuti, S, Kep., M.Sc., a representative from the Purworejo District Health Office.

This activity aims to increase students' understanding of HIV/AIDS, including how to prevent and transmit it, while reducing negative stigma towards sufferers. The event was also designed to foster students' sense of empathy and social care through education and inclusive discussions. This HIV/AIDS sharing and caring activity was themed ‘Realise Empathy, Anti Discrimination, Inspire Survivors.’  

This activity has previously been preceded by a poster design competition held at the high school / vocational / MA level throughout Kedu and students. In this Sharing and Caring HIV/AIDS activity, the winners of the poster design competition were also announced, with the best and most favourite winners at the SMA/K level, as well as the best and most favourite winners at the student level.

Widiastuti, S.Kep., M.Sc., said that students have a big role to play in spreading the right information about HIV/AIDS and helping to eliminate stigma in society. ‘If we all understand, we can create a more positive environment for the community,’ she said.


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