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Close the Series of Milad - 60 Activities, UMPWR Organizes National Table Tennis Tournament between SMA / SMK / MA Equivalent

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Close the Series of Milad - 60 Activities, UMPWR Organizes National Table Tennis Tournament between SMA / SMK / MA Equivalent


Close the Series of Milad - 60 Activities, UMPWR Organizes National Table Tennis Tournament between SMA / SMK / MA Equivalent

  • Humas & Protokoler UMPWR
  • 21 Desember 2024
  • Readed 296

Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo (UMPWR) - in the framework of a series of activities commemorating the 60th Anniversary, a table tennis tournament was held between SMA / SMK / MA equivalent on Saturday, December 21, 2024. Located at the Kasman Singodimejo Auditorium, this tournament was attended by 41 participants consisting of 30 boys and 11 girls from SMA / SMK / MA equivalent throughout Indonesia. Not only from Central Java and Yogyakarta, participants also came from SMA / SMK / MA Equivalent in West Java such as Tasikmalaya to Bandung and also DKI Jakarta. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) Purworejo Branch became the main sponsor of this tournament.

The Table Tennis Tournament between SMA / SMK / MA equivalent is the closing agenda of the 60th anniversary of UMPWR. This tournament requires several provisions such as participants must be 15-18 years old and still high school students and each school can send a maximum of 2 male players and 2 female players. The matches are carried out with a grub system first and then continued with the knockout system. The match is carried out with the best of 5 games (using an 11 point system). 

The winners of this Table Tennis competition will get prizes for the 3rd place winners together each get Rp1,500,000, 2nd place winners get Rp2,000,000, and 1st place winners get Rp2,500,000. Interestingly, the champions in addition to getting prizes in the form of money, are also entitled to full scholarships to study at UMPWR.

Para peserta turnamen tenis meja antar SMA/SMK/MA Sederajat berfoto bersama pada acara pembukaan (Sabtu, 21 Desember 2024)

Chairman of the 60th Milad Paniatia UMPWR Nasrudin, M.S.I., hopes that if this year it can be at the National Level, then in the future it can be the Asean Level. “In the past two years, UMPWR has organized a table tennis tournament at the national high school level, in the future we hope it can be at the ASEAN level like the AFF cup”, he said. Nasrudin also thanked the main sponsor Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI).

The Office of Youth, Sports and Tourism (Dinporapar) of Purworejo Regency, Hariyanto said that the table tennis tournament event has directly or indirectly helped Dinporapar in the field of sports. Hariyanto, who is familiarly called Haye, said that Table Tennis is a superior sport in Purworejo Regency. “Over the past 4 years Purworejo has continuously become a superior sport, Table Tennis, even in 2023 Purworejo athletes can win 1st Popnas in Manado,” he explained. Haye hopes that this table tennis tournament can be used for regeneration to find superior seeds for Purworejo.

UMPWR Vice Rector II Muhamad Taufik, M.T., in his opening said that even in the 60th Anniversary of UMPWR there are many activities both internally between lecturers / employees and externally, and for table tennis this is an external event involving high school / vocational / MA with the main objective is promotion. M. Taufik said that the champions will get scholarships to study at UMPWR for free.

“These students have talents that need to be supported and developed, so that there will be a synergy between academics and other talents or potentials including sports”, said WR II UMPWR.

Vice Rector II officially opened the table tennis tournament between SMA / SMK / MA equivalent in the framework of a series of activities for the 60th Anniversary of UMPWR by hitting the first table tennis ball accompanied by the main sponsor BRI. (akbar / KP).


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