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UKM PIK-Ma Surya UMPWR Holds Generation Planning (GenRe) Discussion

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UKM PIK-Ma Surya UMPWR Holds Generation Planning (GenRe) Discussion


UKM PIK-Ma Surya UMPWR Holds Generation Planning (GenRe) Discussion

  • PIK-Ma, Humas dan Protokoler UMPWR
  • 19 Desember 2024
  • Readed 172

Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo (UMPWR) - The Student Activity Unit of Surya Student Information and Counselling Centre (UKM PIK-Ma Surya) held a Generation Planning (GenRe) Discussion on Sunday, 15 December 2024 yesterday. Located at the Secretariat of UKM PIK-Ma Surya, this activity was attended by new members, PIK-Ma SURYA administrators, and UMPWR 2024 GenRe Ambassadors Ahmad Mabrur Rozi (Male GenRe Ambassador) and Ailsa Sofia Budiman (Female GenRe Ambassador). With a total attendance of 19 participants.

GenRe is Generasi Berencana, a programme of the National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN). This programme aims to prepare adolescents to become models and peer educators who can inspire and educate their peers. This activity was carried out as an implementation of the UMPWR GenRe Ambassador as a GenRe role model. This discussion aims to create a young generation that is smart, healthy, and responsible in making decisions for their future. In addition, this activity is to discuss with the GenRe Ambassador about GenRe adolescents, be it adolescent reproductive health, stunting education, and many others about adolescents. As well as providing an understanding to students about the importance of planning for the future, including education, reproductive health, and career. Helping students understand the importance of maintaining reproductive health and providing correct information about puberty, contraception, and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. Not only that, participants were also asked to share their experiences as students who are still classified as late adolescents.

Fannies Tauryza as the chairperson of UKM PIK-Ma Surya UMPWR said that this activity is important to instil awareness about the importance of building a small, healthy, and prosperous family as part of the vision of life planning. ‘The future is a mystery but we can plan it starting from now’, she said. (akbar/KP)


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