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UMPWR Receives ‘Campus Tour’ Visit from MUDA Bobotsari Purbalingga High School

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UMPWR Receives ‘Campus Tour’ Visit from MUDA Bobotsari Purbalingga High School


UMPWR Receives ‘Campus Tour’ Visit from MUDA Bobotsari Purbalingga High School

  • Humas dan Protokoler UMPWR
  • 17 Desember 2024
  • Readed 168

Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo (UMPWR) - received a visit from SMA Muhammadiyah 2 Bobotsari Purbalingga (SMA MUDA Bobotsari) in the Campus Tour event, on Tuesday, 17 December 2024 morning. A total of 100 students of class XI MUDA Bobotsari High School participated in this campus tour activity accompanied by teachers including the Head of MUDA Bobotsati High School H. Muakhar Abdu Salam, S.Pd.I., M.S.I. The delegation from MUDA Bobotsari High School was received directly by the Rector of UMPWR Assoc. Prof. Dr Teguh Wibowo, M.Pd. and a team from the Bureau of Student Affairs and PMB.

The purpose of this campus tour is for students to know about further studies, majors, and various scholarships at UMPWR, so that students can prepare early to continue to the lecture level, especially studying at UMPWR. UMPWR Rector Assoc. Prof. Dr. Teguh Wibowo, M.Pd, in his speech welcomed the group of SMA MUDA Bobotsari. On this occasion the rector explained the developments of UMPWR which can be accessed on the PPDIKTI page, PEMUTU Kemdikbud, and also the position of UMPWR in the UniRank / 4ICU campus ranking version. The Rector explained that choosing a university can be based on two considerations, namely the suitability of interests and talents, as well as the development or reputation of the university. He emphasised that there is no difference between public and private universities. ‘Judging from the PEMUTU website of the Ministry of Education and Culture, currently there are 122 state universities in Indonesia, 4,600 private universities under the Ministry of Education and Culture, and 1,789 under the Ministry of Religious Affairs, and UMPWR according to the 4ICU ranking is ranked 63rd nationally and is the top 3 private universities in Central Java,’ explained the Rector.

The Rector of UMPWR also said that this year UMPWR won the trust of the government by getting a KIP-K quota of 566, an increase from the previous year (2023) which received a KIP-K quota of 350. With KIP-K, of course it is very helpful, free tuition until graduation, 0 rupiah, and even get living cost assistance of IDR 800,000 per month from the government. ‘So if students have the opportunity to get a KIP-K scholarship, just take it immediately,’ said the UMPWR Rector.

Head of MUDA Bobotsari High School H. Muakhar Abdu Salam, S.Pd.I., M.S.I., did not expect that the presence of his entourage was welcomed directly by the Rector of UMPWR. ‘Thank you very much, we did not expect to be welcomed directly by the Rector. Usually welcomed by the student affairs department or Vice Rector III’, he said. This campus tour is also an effort to improve the SKL (Graduate Competency Standards) of MUDA Bobotsari High School, one of the indicators of which is the interest of students to continue their education to higher education. Muakhar Abdu Salam said that until now there are 16 MUDA Bobotsari High School alumni studying at UMPWR, even for 2025 there are already 5 students who have registered, 2 of whom have received NIM. The Principal also said that the existence of KIP-K was very helpful. ‘MUDA Bobotsari High School students are not all capable, but having high ideals is a must’, he explained. Muakhar Abdu Salam hopes that this friendship will be sustainable, and that the existing cooperation is not limited to student affairs, but also in other matters.

The campus tour activity of SMA MUDA Bobotsari was continued with the presentation of New Student Admission (PMB) for the 2025/2026 Academic Year by the Head of the Bureau of Student Affairs, Promotion, and PMB Ir. H. Didik Widyantono, M.Agr, as well as procedures for registering KIP-K scholarships delivered by Ahmad Komarudin, S.Pd. Campus Tour of MUDA Bobotsari High School students was closed by going around the main campus of UMPWR accompanied by a team from Bimawa and PMB. (akbar / KP)


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