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Achieving Science Amaliah Amal Ilmiah, PK IMM Ibnu Sina Organises Darul Arqom Dasar (DAD)

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Achieving Science Amaliah Amal Ilmiah, PK IMM Ibnu Sina Organises Darul Arqom Dasar (DAD)


Achieving Science Amaliah Amal Ilmiah, PK IMM Ibnu Sina Organises Darul Arqom Dasar (DAD)

  • IMM, Humas dan Protokoler UMPWR
  • 16 Desember 2024
  • Readed 252

Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo (UMPWR) - The Muhammadiyah Student Association (IMM) of Ibnu Sina Commissariat held a Basic Darul Arqom (DAD) with the theme ‘Revitalising the Ideology of the Association to Realise Cadre Intellectuality in Interpreting Science Amaliah Amal Ilmiah’ on Thursday-Ahad, 12-15 December 2024 yesterday in the FKIP West Campus Conference Room and PCM Bener Da'wah Building with 43 participants. DAD was held to realise IMM cadres who have militancy in applying science and scientific charity. In this DAD, there are 10 materials given for four days, including Islam, Kemuhammadiyahan, IMM History and Ideology, Philosophy and Logic of Systematic Thinking, there are also materials such as Social Analysis, Student Movement, Conflict Management and Action Management.

In addition to providing material, in this DAD, several FGD sessions were also held. Participants discussed and exchanged ideas on how to solve problems in the organisation and society. One interesting thing discussed in this DAD is how the impact of the 12% VAT increase that will be carried out by the government. With the VAT increase, we as students will also feel the impact. 

Faiz Nurul Qolbi, S.Pd as the speaker of Social Analysis also explained that we in analysing something must be based on the actual facts that occur, not just based on assumptions. In addition, in the material of IMM History and Ideology, the speaker Fakhri Ilham Syarifudin, S.Ag also explained the progress of IMM's struggle for the nation and state from the beginning of its formation until now. He expressed his hope that the DAD participants could continue the IMM's struggle in defending the rights of the underprivileged.

This DAD is a momentum to form cadres who can and are consistent in interpreting the science of scientific charity, said IMMawan Ramadhan Saddam Subandrio as Chairman of PK IMM Ibnu Sina.


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