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Introducing PKM to Students, HIMA Mathematics Education Study Programme Holds Workshop

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Introducing PKM to Students, HIMA Mathematics Education Study Programme Holds Workshop


Introducing PKM to Students, HIMA Mathematics Education Study Programme Holds Workshop

  • Humas dan Protokoler UMPWR
  • 13 Desember 2024
  • Readed 132

Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo (UMPWR) - The Mathematics Education Study Program Student Association held a Student Activity Programme (PKM) Workshop on Friday, 13 December 2024 in the Seminar Room of Campus III Sucen. The seminar was attended by 62 students of Mathematics Education Study Programme from semester 1, 3, and 5. The speaker was Dr. Erni Puji Astuti M. Pd., one of the lecturers of Mathematics Education Study Programme UMPWR.

This workshop was held to improve students' understanding of the preparation of PKM proposals, the formation of student groups that are ready to compete, and the growth of a spirit of creativity among Mathematics Education students. The workshop activity began with the opening by the Chairperson of the Mathematics Education HIMA. In his remarks, the chairman conveyed the importance of PKM as a forum for students to develop creativity, innovation, and critical thinking skills. 

Furthermore, the material was presented by Dr Erni Puji Astuti M. Pd., who provided in-depth insights into the procedures for preparing PKM proposals and strategies for winning national level selection. The participants also had the opportunity to discuss interactively, ask questions, and share experiences related to the challenges in participating in PKM. 

With the implementation of this activity, HIMA Pendidikan Matematika hopes to encourage UMPWR students to achieve further at the national level, one of which is through PKM. (akbar / KP).


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