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PkM Lecturer: Training on Processing and Marketing of Tangkisan Village Superior Products

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PkM Lecturer: Training on Processing and Marketing of Tangkisan Village Superior Products


PkM Lecturer: Training on Processing and Marketing of Tangkisan Village Superior Products

  • Humas dan Protokoler UMPWR
  • 10 Desember 2024
  • Readed 139

Universitas Muhammadiyayh Purworejo (UMPWR) - several lecturers conducted Community Service (PkM) in Tangkisan Village, Bayan District, Purworejo Regency by providing Training on Processing and Marketing of Village Superior Products. This training was conducted on Saturday 3 and 7 December 2024 in Tangkisan Village. On Saturday 3 December 2024, the training was conducted by Dyah Panuntun Utami, S.P., M.Sc., (lecturer of Agribusiness Study Program) and Isnaeni Maryam, M.Pd. (lecturer of Mathematics Education Study Program). While on Saturday, 7 December 2024, it was conducted by Ir. Zulfanita, M.P. (lecturer of Animal Husbandry Study Program) and Uswatun Hasanah, S.P., M.Sc. (lecturer of Agribusiness Study Program). The four lecturers in conducting PkM were also assisted by students.


The training participants were members of KWT, Oyster Mushroom KUB and other business owners in Tangkisan village. On 3 December 2024, the training was held with the aim of increasing product sales by processing business legality and product packaging design. The importance of business legality was delivered by Isnaeni Maryam, M.Pd and continued by Sinika Astarizki Josnia (student) who talked about how packaging design affects sales.


Isnaeni Maryam, M.Pd talked about business legality and how to process business legality. Participants were also facilitated to process NIB, PIRT, and Halal Label for free. Sinika Astarizki Josnia conveyed the importance of packaging by including the brand name, product name, legality, composition, production address, production and expiry dates, and other information. She also stated the psychological importance of packaging colour to consumer interest.

Meanwhile, on 7 December 2024 Ir. Zulfanita, M.P., and Uswatun Hasanah, S.P., M.Sc., provided knowledge and training related to the use of cassava into processed food. ‘Alhamdulillah, the extension and training activities on the utilisation of cassava and papaya into processed food into cassava sticks and mustofa papaya chips went well and the participants were enthusiastic that there would be further assistance for other processed food. The output of this activity is a service article.’, explained Ir. Zulfanita, M.P. (Akbar / KP).


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