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UMPWR Lecturer as Talk Show Speaker for 25th Anniversary of Dharma Wanita Persatuan Purworejo Regency

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UMPWR Lecturer as Talk Show Speaker for 25th Anniversary of Dharma Wanita Persatuan Purworejo Regency


UMPWR Lecturer as Talk Show Speaker for 25th Anniversary of Dharma Wanita Persatuan Purworejo Regency

  • Humas dan Protokoler UMPWR
  • 09 Desember 2024
  • Readed 118

Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo (UMPWR) - In order to fill the 25th Anniversary of Dharma Wanita Persatuan (DWP) Purworejo Regency, two UMPWR lecturers became speakers in a Talk Show with the theme The Role of Women in Child Protection Towards Golden Indonesia 2045 on Saturday, 7 December 2024. They were Dr Dwi Irawati, S.E., M.Si., as Vice Rector I, and Septi Indrawati, S.H., M.H., as Head of the Law Department who represented UMPWR as speakers at the event. 

The activity which was held in the Arahiwang Room of the Regional Secretariat of Purworejo Regency was attended by approximately 100 members of the DWP Purworejo Regency. The event was preceded by remarks from the Regent of Purworejo Hj. Yuli Hastuti, S.H., and continued with the performance of DWP women's movements and songs, the awarding of DWP women's competitions, and the peak event was a Talk Show on the Role of Women to Improve Child Protection Towards Golden Indonesia 2045.

In addition to their role as caregivers and educators, women/mothers also play a role as child advocates, where women must understand the laws / laws related to the rights of women and children, form children's social skills (friendship skills), create open conversations with children, and provide an understanding of the risks and impacts of using social media such as Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, etc. for children's safety and mental health. (akbar / KP)


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