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Improving Students' Understanding and Skills related to PKM, HIMA Manajemen Organised a Seminar

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Improving Students' Understanding and Skills related to PKM, HIMA Manajemen Organised a Seminar


Improving Students' Understanding and Skills related to PKM, HIMA Manajemen Organised a Seminar

  • Humas dan Protokoler UMPWR
  • 05 Desember 2024
  • Readed 98

Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo (UMPWR) - Hima Prodi Management Faculty of Economics held a PKM 2024 Enrichment Seminar on 02 December 2024 with the theme ‘Millennials Entrepreneurial Creativity and Innovation During the Modern Era’. The activity, which was held in the Seminar Room of Campus III Sucen, was attended by Management Study Program students in semesters 3 and 5 totalling 210 people

The Student Creativity Programme (PKM) is one of the flagship programmes launched by the Directorate General of Higher Education to encourage students to develop creative and innovative ideas through various fields of science and technology. Through PKM, students are given a platform to realise research projects or scientific activities that are oriented towards solving real problems in society. This seminar was held with the aim of improving students‘ understanding and skills in the preparation and management of PKM, increasing students’ competitiveness at the national and international levels, and optimising students' potential to contribute to social and economic development. 

The speakers in this seminar were the Head of Management Study Program Dr. Hardin S.P., and Management Study Program lecturer Susi Widjajani S.E., M.Si. The first speaker was Dr Hardin S.P., M.M., with the material on the conversion of MBKM Kampus Merdeka. While the second speaker Susi Widjajani S.E., M.Si., explained the types of PKM and their characteristics. In this seminar, a session was also held by students who had passed PKM funding, namely Ramadhan Saddam Subandrio. (akbar / KP)


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