Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo (UMPWR) - The Student Association (HIMA) of the Law Study Program, Faculty of Social Sciences, organised the Socialisation of the 2025 Student Creativity Programme (PKM) to students in semesters 1, 3, and 5 on Wednesday, 4 December 2024. Located in the East Campus Seminar Room, this briefing was attended by 90 students with speakers Septi Indrawati, S.H., M.H., as Head of the Law Study Program, and Dr. Indah Kusuma Dewi, S.H., M.H., as a lecturer in the Law Study Program.
This activity was carried out one of them so that students know other alternatives to graduate from lectures other than thesis. In this activity, the conversion of courses and final assignments that can be taken from PKM is also socialised. PKM is one of the activities that provides opportunities for active and creative students to channel their interests and talents.
Septi Indrawati, M.H., on this occasion conveyed the conversion of courses and final assignments with various alternatives including PKM. ‘Graduating does not have to be with a thesis, now there are many alternatives, one of which is PKM. So if there are law students who graduate in more than 4 years, it is questionable’. Said Septi Indrawati.
Meanwhile, Dr Indah Kusuma Dewi, M.H., explained the technical submission of PKM, starting from making a group, preparing a draft proposal to submitting it to the symbology office. If students participate in PKM and win in the National championship, it is certain that they can graduate without a thesis.