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HIMA Manajemen Organises Practitioner Lecture Feat Lab Microfinance

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HIMA Manajemen Organises Practitioner Lecture Feat Lab Microfinance


HIMA Manajemen Organises Practitioner Lecture Feat Lab Microfinance

  • Humas dan Protokoler UMPWR
  • 04 Desember 2024
  • Readed 101

Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo (UMPWR) - The Student Association (HIMA) of the Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics organised a Feat Lab Microfinance Practitioner Lecture with Bank Mandiri with the theme ‘Digital Financial Literacy and Digital Banking Innovations and Services to Support MSMEs in the Industrial Era 4.0’. The activity which was held in the Seminar Room of Campus III Sucen UMPWR on 3 December 2024 was attended by 200 participants consisting of 3rd semester Management Study Program students.

The speakers in this lecture were Bank Mandiri representatives Nositaria Devia Hariefka (Magelang Area Retail Transaction Banking Officer) and Kurnia Probo Handini (Transaction Banking Individual Manager Region Vll/Java 2). Through the Feat Lab Microfinance Practitioner Lecture, it is hoped that it can provide insight to students about innovative digital banking products and services that can support the growth of MSMEs. With the aim of increasing the awareness of UMPWR students about the importance of digital financial literacy, providing knowledge about various digital banking products and services offered by Bank Mandiri, equipping students with skills in managing finances digitally, inspiring students to become agents of change in encouraging digital financial literacy in their environment, and introducing students to innovative digital banking products and services that can support the growth of MSMEs.

The first speaker, Nositaria Devia Hariefka (Magelang Area Retail Transaction Banking Officer), talked about Digital Financial Literacy and the second speaker, Kurnia Probo Handini (Transaction Banking Individual Manager Region VII/Java 2), talked about Product Innovation and Digital Banking Services to Support MSMEs in the Industry 4.0 Era. In addition to providing material, the team from Bank Mandiri also guided the participants to create a Livin by Mandiri M-banking account. (akbar/KP)


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