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CONGRATULATIONS!!! To the Winners of the Scientific Week Competition for the 60th Anniversary of UMPWR

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CONGRATULATIONS!!! To the Winners of the Scientific Week Competition for the 60th Anniversary of UMPWR


CONGRATULATIONS!!! To the Winners of the Scientific Week Competition for the 60th Anniversary of UMPWR

  • Humas dan Protokoler UMPWR
  • 28 November 2024
  • Readed 91

University of Muhammadiyah Purworejo (UMPWR) - distributed prizes and certificates to the winners of the Scientific Week field competition in the framework of the 60th Anniversary. The prize distribution was held in the Main Meeting Room of UMPWR on Thursday, 28 November 2024 afternoon. There are three categories of competitions, namely the Teacher Teaching Media Creation Competition, the Creative Video Competition at the junior / senior high school level, and the Photography Competition at the senior / vocational high school level which has been held since September 2024.

UMPWR Rector Assoc. Prof. Dr Teguh Wibowo, M.Pd., in his speech congratulated the winners of the competition.

The Rector appreciated the committee for organising competitions that are very popular, especially creative video and photography. The Teachers' Teaching Media Creation Competition was no less interesting. ‘Good media is not what is bought, but what is made independently’, said the rector of UMPWR.

The rector also said that there were additional prizes than those previously announced, namely the first winner to one million rupiah, the second winner 750,000 rupiah and the third winner got 500,000 rupiah. 

‘God willing, we will hold these competitions every year. Hopefully, it will be even more lively in the years to come,’ he said.

The prizes for the winners of the competition will hopefully benefit the students and teachers. The Rector also supports students to study at UMPWR. The Rector said that this year UMPWR received trust from the government, namely KIP-K which reached 550 compared to last year's around 300. 

‘KIP-K is free tuition and even gets pocket money from the government. As for those who do not have KIP, there are still many other scholarships with a certificate of disadvantage from the village,’ he explained.

Penyerahan hadiah lomba oleh ketua Milad UMPWR ke - 60 H Nasrudin, M.S.I

The list of winners of the competitions are as follows:

1. Teacher Teaching Media Creation Competition

1st place: Rachma Selviana, S.Pd., (SD ‘Aisyiyah Unggulan Purworejo)

2nd place : Muhammad Ghofir Ismail, S.Pd. (SD Muhammadiyah Margoyoso, Magelang)

3rd place: Muhamad Setyo Arbangin (SD Negeri 3 Ropoh)

Favourite Champion: Muhammad Ghofir Ismail, S.Pd. (SD Muhammadiyah Margoyoso, Magelang) (with the highest number of likes, namely 678 instagram likes)

2. Creative Video Competition for junior and senior high school level:

1st place : Grub Seven Productions (SMKN 7 Purworejo)

2nd place : Grub Batik Multimedia (SMK Batik Perbaik Purworejo)

3rd place : Grub Kami Libels (SMPN 15 Purworejo)

Favourite Champion : Grub Jurnalistik Skorsa (SMKN 1 Sukoharjo, Wonosobo) (with the highest number of likes, namely 1,086 instagram likes).

3. Photography Competition for High School/Vocational Level

A. Nature Tourism Category

1st place: Egga Asef Saifulloh (SMK YPP Purworejo)

2nd place : Musa Abdillah (MA Al-Iman Bulus)

3rd place : Luna Afriana Ananda Yusuf (SMK MUHAMMYAH 1 Wonosobo)

B. Culture Category

1st place : Rahmaningtyas Putri (SMK N 1 Pasuruan)

2nd place : Prima Mukti (SMK Batik Perbaiki)

3rd place : Nanda Widyaningrum (SMK N 2 Purworejo)

(akbar /KP)


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