Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo (UMPWR) - as one of the Muhammadiyah / ‘Aisyiyah campuses in Indonesia, shows that as an inclusive campus, all groups can study at UMPWR. Not only from Non Muhammadiyah circles such as NU, LDII, and so on, UMPWR is also very open to Non-Muslim students. Many non-Muslim students study at UMPWR, one of whom is Yohana Ega Febriana Agung Sari, a student of the Elementary School Teacher Education Study Programme class of 2023 who is Catholic.
When interviewed by the UMPWR Public Relations Team, Yohana admitted that she was very comfortable studying at UMPWR. The lecturers, staff, and fellow students do not discriminate at all. Yohana chose to study at UMPWR because in addition to being close to her house, it is also because UMPWR is the best campus in the Kedu karisidenan, and is currently the third best private university in Central Java according to the July 2024 edition of 4ICU. Regarding the Al Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan courses at UMPWR, Yohana also claimed to have no difficulty, even students who are currently entering their 3rd semester, in AIK 1 and 2 can get A- grades.
Met separately, Vice Rector III for Student Affairs Dr. Budi Setiawan, S.Sos., M.Si., and Vice Rector IV for Cooperation and AIK, Dr. Tusino, M.Pd., B.I., said that UMPWR is an inclusive campus that is open to all groups, and all religions. He also added that at UMPWR for non-Muslim students there is no obligation to wear the Jilbab. ‘It is not mandatory to wear Jilbab. That is the right of non-Muslim students. We show that UMPWR is an inclusive campus’, explained Vice Rector IV UMPWR. (akbar / KP)