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Improve Literacy and Build Intellectuality, IMM UMPWR Organises Stadium General

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Improve Literacy and Build Intellectuality, IMM UMPWR Organises Stadium General


Improve Literacy and Build Intellectuality, IMM UMPWR Organises Stadium General

  • IMM, Humas dan Protokoler UMPWR
  • 17 November 2024
  • Readed 248

Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo (UMPWR) - The Muhammadiyah Student Association (IMM) of Ibnu Sina Commissariat held a Stadium General with the theme ‘Self Development: Building Student Intellectuality Amid Indonesia's Literacy Crisis’ on Sunday, 17 November 2024 in the East Campus Seminar Room to answer the phenomenon of whether students are now experiencing intellectual degradation due to low literacy interest. In this event, Ani Susanti, Amd, Keb (General Treasurer of PWNA Central Java) and Dedi Runanto, SE, M.Si (Head of Student Affairs UMPWR) were present as speakers.

Various issues related to literacy were discussed in the Stadium General, such as the low interest in reading in Indonesia, the importance of literacy, the relationship between literacy and the quality of the nation, the causes of low literacy, efforts to improve literacy in society, to the use of AI for literacy and challenges in the world of work. Immawati Ani in this stadium general also revealed that some of the causes of low literacy are due to lack of support from families in getting used to reading, misuse of technology, facilities that are not literacy friendly, and low education. And of course there are many ways that can be done to improve literacy in society.

Dedi Runanto, S.E., M.Si., in the Stadium General expressed concern that graduating students are able to show uniforms but cannot show excellence which is the impact of the misuse of technology, such as the use of AI (Chat GPT). ‘If you know, that I never correct the assignments you make, this is because you make assignments without paying attention to the format. For example the Name / NIM format, but you write it Name enter NIM. From that alone, it can be seen regarding the level of student literacy, ‘he said.

This Stadium General is one way to be able to improve literacy, able to form the character of IMM cadres who are active, critical, thirsty for knowledge and experience, said IMMawan Saddam as Chairman of PK IMM Ibnu Sina.


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