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Improving Knowledge of Organic Fertiliser Processing, Agribusiness Study Program Conducts Field Trip

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Improving Knowledge of Organic Fertiliser Processing, Agribusiness Study Program Conducts Field Trip


Improving Knowledge of Organic Fertiliser Processing, Agribusiness Study Program Conducts Field Trip

  • Humas dan Protokoler UMPWR
  • 14 November 2024
  • Readed 237

Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo (UMPWR) - The Agribusiness Study Program of the Faculty of Agriculture held a field trip to the Central Java Agricultural Center on Monday, 4 November 2024. The activity, which was held in conjunction with the New Student Makrab, was attended by 141 students of the Agribusiness Study Programme. Accompanying the students were the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Dr Roisu Eny Mudawaroch, M.P., and all lecturers of the Agribusiness programme.

In addition to strengthening brotherhood, and getting to know each other between students and lecturers, this activity is also to increase students' knowledge and skills about processing solid organic fertiliser and liquid organic fertiliser and planting chillies. The theme of this activity was ‘Uniting Differences, Connecting Togetherness, and Generating Brotherhood’. Students were given training on making solid organic fertiliser, liquid organic fertiliser, and planting chillies. Materials for making solid organic fertiliser come from goat manure, husk charcoal, and rice bran then given sugar / molasses, EM4 and water. For the manufacture of liquid organic fertiliser comes from fruits, forage waste, coconut husks which are given in a large paint bucket known as the stacked bucket system. And the last is planting chillies using solid organic fertiliser.

The Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Dr Roisu Eny Mudawaroch, M.P thanked the Central Java Agricultural Training Centre for being willing to provide training to Agribusiness students, UMPWR in this field trip and makrab activity. ‘We hope that students can learn new things at Bapeltan, Central Java and the cooperation between the two parties will continue’, said Dr Roisu Eny Mudawaroch, M.P. ’.

Himagrin (Agribusiness Student Association) advisor Arta Kusumaningrum, S.P., M.Sc. said that this activity was very useful for students, especially to get to know agricultural institutions and to improve students' practical skills, especially in agriculture. (Akbar/KP)


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