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UMPWR PTO Study Programme Holds Visiting Lecturer with the Theme of Hybrid Vehicle System

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UMPWR PTO Study Programme Holds Visiting Lecturer with the Theme of Hybrid Vehicle System


UMPWR PTO Study Programme Holds Visiting Lecturer with the Theme of Hybrid Vehicle System

  • Humas dan Protokoler UMPWR
  • 11 November 2024
  • Readed 191

Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo (UMPWR) - The Automotive Engineering Education (PTO) Study Program held a Visiting Lecturer with the theme of Hybrid System Vehicles on Monday, 11 November 2024. The activity which was held in the Seminar Room of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) was carried out by a team from Yogyakarta State University (UNY) consisting of Dr Gunadi, M.Pd., and I Wayan Adiyasa, M.Eng., along with two UNY PTO students.

The arrival of the team from UNY was received directly by the Dean of FKIP UMPWR Dr Riawan Yudi Purwoko, M.Pd. On this occasion, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was also signed between UMPWR PTO Study Programme and UNY. The Visiting Lecturer activity was opened by the Head of UMPWR PTO Study Programme Dwi Jatmoko, M.Pd. The Visiting Lecturer was attended by 45 UMPWR PTO students from semester 5.

Head of PTO Dwi Jatmoko hopes that this year's collaboration will not only be in the field of learning, but also in service and research. Dwi Jatmoko said, ‘This MoU is done to extend the cooperation between UNY and UMPWR until 2029’.

In this Visiting Lecturer, the speakers provided learning related to hybrid vehicle systems. The explanation was carried out by two PTO UNY lecturers, Dr Gunadi, M.Pd., and I Wayan Adiyasa, M.Eng., for 3 hours alternately. At the end of the presentation, a practicum on the hybrid system was carried out using the media or trainer that the UNY team had brought.

‘In this practicum, the children were very enthusiastic in following the practical learning. Most of the children asked about how to modify the gasoline engine into a hybrid vehicle system,’ said Dwi Jatmoko.

At the end of the activity, UNY Team Leader Dr Gunadi, M.Pd. said that the meeting was a very interesting meeting, because UMPWR PTO students were very enthusiastic in participating in the lesson. The Head of PTO UMPWR also hopes that in the future both parties, PTO UNY and PTO UMPWR will work together in research and service.


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