Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo (UMPWR) - 4 students of the Economics Education Study Program, namely Renata Maylanova (222130002), Imroatun Isnaeni (222130004), Siti Ngawiyah (222130007), and Alifahtu Titabarokah (222130010) conducted Entrepreneurship Practicum on Thursday, October 31, 2024 at the Karangmulyo Village Hall. This activity was attended by all SME players in Karangmulyo Village. In addition to Village Officials, this activity was also attended by Entrepreneurship Practicum Supervisor Prof. Dr. Sugeng Eko Putro Widoyoko, M. Pd. as well as opening this entrepreneurship practicum activity.
With the theme of the activity “Digital Marketing Through Social Media Platforms and Product Packaging Innovations”. This activity was held with the aim of realizing student independence and creating new business opportunities. On this occasion, Isnaeni Maryam, M. Pd., as a UMKM practitioner and also NIB assistance was presented. Socialization activities are accompanied by data collection so that they can be registered and get a business identification number, so it is very helpful for SME players. The next resource person was Haris Aprianto Setiawan, S.P. from PLUT of the Purworejo Regency SME and Trade Cooperative Office and Owner of Sylvatea, who provided material on digital marketing.
The activities were carried out not only in the form of delivering material, but also in the form of practice designing packaging with the aim of increasing the ability and insight of MSME actors in making packaging, so as to increase product selling value and consumer confidence. The event was closed while giving mementos to the speakers and the village.