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UMPWR Officially “Kick Off” New Student Admission for the 2025/2026 Academic Year

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UMPWR Officially “Kick Off” New Student Admission for the 2025/2026 Academic Year


UMPWR Officially “Kick Off” New Student Admission for the 2025/2026 Academic Year

  • Humas dan Protokoler UMPWR
  • 25 Oktober 2024
  • Readed 343

Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo (UMPWR) - officially kicked off the admission of new students for the 2025/2026 academic year on Friday, October 25, 2024. Located in the Kasman Singodimejo Auditorium, the PMB Kick Off was attended by all UMPWR Lecturers and Education Personnel both with permanent and contract status. The Kick Off activity was filled with coaching for UMPWR lecturers and education personnel by Members of the UMPWR Daily Governing Board, Dr. Jarot Wahyudi, S.H., M.A.

Drs. H. Hamidi, M.Pd., in his speech said that UMPWR has a very important position or potential. UMPWR is one of the extensions of the Muhammadiyah Central Leadership to do amar Ma'ruf nahi munkar in the field of education. Drs. Hamidi advised all lecturers and staff at UMPWR to always apply Muhammadiyah values and ethics in life.

“All UMPWR employees are Muhammadiyah citizens, and are also obliged to obey all existing staffing rules and codes of ethics”, explained Drs. Hamidi.

The Chairman of the UMPWR Daily Governing Board also advised to always provide the best service to those in need. With the momentum of the PMB Kick Off, it is hoped that all UMPWR components will work together to increase the number of students.

UMPWR Rector, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Teguh Wibowo, M.Pd., on this occasion conveyed several things of progress that have been experienced by UMPWR including for the class of 2024 the number of students increased to 1139, public trust in UMPWR is also getting better, as well as the achievement of programs that in previous years seemed impossible but this year it can be realized such as free umroh to tendik and the formation of alumni ties. UMPWR also increased in the aspect of academic achievements such as increasing the number of professors, namely Prof. Dr. Suyitno, M.Pd., and there was also an increase in RAB income for next year. The Rector also advised lecturers and staff to improve services to students, and also always pray in congregation at the campus mosque during working hours.

UMPWR BPH member, Dr. Jarot Wahyudi, S.H., M.A., delivered some material in this activity including that all UMPWR lecturers and staff must have the nature of Uluwwul Himmah, namely high targets or goals. “The target of the PMB Kick Off is the addition of students. So if you have a high target (which is also realistic), of course it will give birth to strong efforts,” he explained. Furthermore, Dr. Jarot advised that lecturers, staff, and students must become UMPWR's Public Relations wherever they are.

For information that UMPWR new student registration can be done online through the website pmb.umpwr.ac.id. If you need further information, you can visit Instagram @pmbumpwr.


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