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UMPWR Organizes Gathering with 410 KIP-K Students and Parents

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UMPWR Organizes Gathering with 410 KIP-K Students and Parents


UMPWR Organizes Gathering with 410 KIP-K Students and Parents

  • Humas dan Protokoler UMPWR
  • 24 Oktober 2024
  • Readed 294

Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo (UMPWR) - held a gathering with 410 KIP Lecture students for the 2024/2025 Academic Year and their parents on Wednesday, October 23, 2024. Located in the Auditorium Kasman Singodimejo UMPWR, this activity was filled with briefings by Vice Rector III Dr. Budi Setiawan, S.Sos., M.Si, and material delivered by Ir. Fatchur Rahman as chairman of MPM Muhammadiyah Regional Leadership Central Java.

This activity was held to improve the competence and motivation of KIP-K students in the academic field, increase the participation of KIP-K students in learning, increase the participation of KIP-K students in the non-academic field, and also improve the soft skills of KIP-K students. KIP-K students are motivated to improve their achievements. Parents of the students are also encouraged to motivate their children to complete their studies on time and excel.

The handover of account books and KIP-K cards was also carried out at this activity. The handover was carried out by representatives from Bank BRI Purworejo Branch and UMPWR Vice Chancellor III to KIP-K class 2024 students who were symbolically handed over to Aby Dalhar Arifin and Adelia Naswa Suryani.

Ir. Didik Widiyantono, M.Agr. as the moderator as well as the head of the Bureau of Student Affairs, Promotion and PMB UMPWR said that this year the number of students accepted by the Merdeka Lecture KIP increased quite a lot compared to last year, so that the increasing number of students could also increase achievements, especially in the field of entrepreneurship. Vice Rector III Dr. Budi Setiawan, S.Sos., M.Si hopes that students will take the college process seriously and ask parents to always support and motivate their children so that they can excel and graduate on time. In his presentation, Dr. Ir. Fatchur Rochman motivated the students to prepare themselves to become young entrepreneurs.


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