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IMM and FOSDAMAS UMPWR Organize Stadium General for Community Empowerment

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IMM and FOSDAMAS UMPWR Organize Stadium General for Community Empowerment


IMM and FOSDAMAS UMPWR Organize Stadium General for Community Empowerment

  • IMM, FOSDAMAS, Humas, dan Protokoler UMPWR
  • 23 Oktober 2024
  • Readed 247

Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo (UMPWR) - The Muhammadiyah Student Association (IMM) of Ibnu Sina Commissariat and the Community Empowerment Study Forum (FOSDAMAS) of Universitas Muhamamdiyah Purworejo held a Stadium General entitled community empowerment on Wednesday, October 23, 2024 in the East Campus Seminar Room to answer the phenomenon of the question whether the Community Service Program (KKN) is more helpful or troublesome to the community. In this event, the head of LPPM UMPWR and the head of Krandegan Village were present as speakers.

Dwinanto as the head of Krandegan Village, Bayan, Purworejo said that within a month KKN certainly has not got anything, but the idea of KKN ideas must be continued so that it can provide more benefits to the community. This is the most important thing, not just the origin of the program but the foundation of the program for the long term, he explained.

Dr. Heru Kurniawan as the head of LPPM UMPWR said that it is even more troublesome if KKN is only value-oriented. Yo, this is a service, yo serve dong, do something for the community. That's why you have to make a program that is in accordance with the community's problems and finally the program becomes a solution that can overcome the long-term problems of the village.

Student activities with the theme of community empowerment are not yet very popular, but starting is not a bad thing. We are committed to continue learning and doing positive things for the community through empowerment programs, said Saddam as the Head of FOSDAMAS.


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