Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo (UMPWR) - held an Open Senate Meeting with the Agenda of Undergraduate and Masters Graduation Period I Academic Year 2024/2025 on Tuesday, October 22, 2024. This graduation ceremony was attended by 380 graduates consisting of 131 graduates and 249 graduates.
Present as an invitee at this activity was a member of the Education and Research Council of PP Muhammadiyah, Dr. Drs. Immawan Wahyudi, M.Hum., representatives of the Pjs Regent of Purworejo Regency, Forkompimda Purworejo Regency, leaders of Private Universities in Purworejo, Bank Partners in Purworejo, and parents / guardians of graduates / graduates.
Of the 380 graduates, there were 16 best graduates from each study program, and 178 graduates with cumlaude predicate. Special at the Open Senate Meeting of Graduation this time UMPWR for the first time graduated 3 Masters in English Education, namely Ambarwati Widyaningsih (GPA 4.00), Sutaryadi (3.98), and Sri Purwanti (3.97). In addition, there were also 6 (six) undergraduate graduates who graduated without a thesis exam including Afinatul Karomah (Javanese Language and Literature Education), Khusnul Khotimah, Dhafa Rendi Shafira, Dwi Herlina Pujiyanti, Ihda Umul Khoiroh (Management), and Nadhila Berlian Assabilia (PSikology).
UMPWR Rector, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Teguh Wibowo, M.Pd., in his speech also said that there was the oldest graduate, namely from the Civil Engineering Study Program on behalf of Suranto who is currently 56 years old. Suranto is an employee class student who is currently working as the Head of the Public Works and Spatial Planning Office of Purworejo Regency. The Rector also congratulated the graduates who were the best graduates in academic and non-academic fields, namely Prasetia Budi Lestari from the Economics Education Study Program who obtained a GPA of 3.80 and also had various achievements including 1st place in the Essay Writing Competition organized by PUNDI / Indonesian Education Activists and Ahmad Dahlan University, 3rd place in the Essay Writing Competition organized by STKIP PGRI West Sumatra in the Semarak Ekonomi Ke-VI National Level, International KKN-PLP Participants in Malaysia in 2023, active in scientific meetings, and active in various organizational and committee activities ranging from the UKM level, Study Program, to the University level.
Dr. Drs. Immawan Wahyudi, M.Hum., who also gave a speech, greatly appreciated the existence of the Javanese Language and Literature Education Study Program which only exists at UMPWR. Dr. Immawan also advised the graduates in the current era to always be committed to honesty.