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UMPWR Attends Cooperation Assistance in the Implementation of MBKM Program

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UMPWR Attends Cooperation Assistance in the Implementation of MBKM Program


UMPWR Attends Cooperation Assistance in the Implementation of MBKM Program

  • Humas dan Protokoler UMPWR
  • 18 Oktober 2024
  • Readed 292

Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo (UMPWR) - attended the Cooperation Assistance in the Framework of MBKM Program Implementation organized by LLDIKTI Region VI Central Java on Friday. October 18, 2024. Located at the Grand Mercure Solo Baru Hotel, Sukoharjo Regency, this activity was attended by representatives from all universities in LLDIKTI Region VI Central Java and with speakers Alexander Gunawan, S.STP., M.M. and Reza Aditya, S.Pd., Nurina Happy, M.Pd. UMPWR was attended by Dr. Jeki Mediantari Wahyu Wibawanti, M.Eng., M.Si as Head of Cooperation and International Affairs, Rintis Rizkia Pangestika, M.Pd. (Head of PGSD Study Program), and Septi Indrawati, S.H., M.H. (Head of Law Study Program).

This activity was held to improve the implementation of MBKM in LLDIKTI Region VI Central Java Universities.  In order to support the MBKM program initiated by the Ministry of Education and Culture, LLDIKTI Region VI organizes Assistance in Building Partner Cooperation in the Context of Implementing MBKM for Universities in the LLDIKTI Region VI Environment in 2024. This activity was opened by the Head of LLDIKTI Region VI, Bimo Widyo Andoko, S.H., M.H., then continued with material from the speakers.

The first material on Disaster Management through Thematic KKN for Disaster Management was delivered by Alexander Gunawan, S.STP., M.M (Chief Executive of BPBD Central Java Province). He said that through cooperation between BPBD and universities, it can increase community resilience and resilience in overcoming disasters. “It's better to be prepared than devastated”. He explained. Through this program, students will be invited to participate in disaster training, disaster management simulations, and participate in community service activities carried out by BPBD. With this collaboration, it is hoped that students will not only become individuals who are ready to work, but also be able to make a positive contribution in overcoming disaster problems that often hit various regions in Indonesia.

The second material was delivered by Reza Aditya, S.Pd., M.A., (Middle Expert Community Self-Help Activator of BNN Central Java Province) about Thematic KKN and Bersinar Internship (Clean from Drugs). Through cooperation between BNN and universities, it is hoped that it can strengthen efforts to prevent and eradicate drug abuse in all circles through Thematic KKN activities and Shining Internships carried out by students and the university environment.

The third material is about Cooperation in the Student Exchange Program with the speaker Nurina Happy, M.Pd (Head of Curriculum Center, CoE, MBKM) PGRI Semarang University. She said that in one collaboration in the student exchange program not only achieved one KPI but could be more than one KPI so it must be utilized as much as possible. “The challenge in the student exchange program is related to the conversion of courses (MK), because it is possible that the position of the course is different between universities. The solution can be through a policy, namely specifically for exchange students, odd-even courses will be opened,” he explained. Types of Student Exchange are (1) Independent Student Exchange, (2) Independent Student Exchange, (3) PURWAKA (MBKM Mandiri LLDIKTI VI), (4) ICE Institute (Taking MK at domestic and foreign universities. The academic system used between regular students and exchange students should be different to facilitate reporting to PDDIKTI. “For courses that do not match can be used as additional courses. For the MK code that can be taken by other study programs or other universities can use a special code. It is better if the converted MK is the same as the MK taken by students in that semester so that the MBKM activities are recognized by PDDIKTI, “ said Nurina Happy, M.Pd.

Furthermore, the last one as a closing from LLDIKTI Region VI socialized the Independent Campus Exchange (https://bursakmm.lldikti6.id/) as an effort of LLDIKTI VI in increasing MBKM activities.

Dr. Jeki Mediantari Wahyu Wibawanti, M.Eng., M.Si said, “This assistance helps us identify relevant strategic partners for the MBKM program. With strong cooperation, our students can experience the world of work and equip themselves with more applicable skills”.


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