• Study Program

Javanese Language and Literature Education

  • Study Program

Javanese Language and Literature Education

Javanese Language and Literature Education

  • Gelar

    S.Pd (Sarjana Pendidikan Strata 1)

  • Lokasi

    Jl. K.H.A. Dahlan No. 3 & 6 Purworejo Gedung A2

  • Fakulty

    Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

About Me

The Javanese Language and Literature Education Study Programme is the result of the separation of the concentration of the Indonesian and Regional Language and Literature Education Study Programme (PBSID). Based on Decree No 282/E/O/2011 on 7 December 2011, PBSID officially became two study programmes, namely Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Programme and Javanese Language and Literature Education Study Programme. The Javanese Language and Literature Education Study Programme is led by a head of the Study Programme, Herlina Setyowati, M.Pd in accordance with the Rector's Decree Number 443/KEP/II.3.AU/D/2020 for the period 2020-2024. The Javanese Language and Literature Education Study Programme has 6 permanent lecturers in accordance with the competence of the study programme. The educational level of study programme lecturers who have taken S3 is 2 people, namely Dr. Yuli Widiyono, M.Pd. and Dr. Aris Aryanto, M.Hum. One lecturer is currently studying for a doctoral degree, namely Herlina Setyowati, M.Pd. There are four lecturers who have received professional certificates, namely Dr Yuli Widiyono, M.Pd., Dr Aris Aryanto, M.Hum., Herlina Setyowati, M.Pd., and Rochimansyah, M.Pd. The vision of the Javanese Language and Literature Education Study Programme is to become a Study Programme that is superior in knowledge, noble in morals, able to carry out the Caturdharma of Muhammadiyah Universities to produce prospective Javanese Language and Literature educators who are independent and adaptive.

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